Published on November 2, 2003 By Z06Leonhart In WinCustomize Talk
"the background of my apps is not like the one on your screenshot. it is white. how do i fix this?

here is a picture of my problem: "
by Citizen John Chan -

"I have it so my taskbar hides and if theres a window open its kinda hard it get the taskbar to show and the same thing with the desktop(i put mine on my taskbar...hid it from the desktop) and my hidden programs....Seems to be alot of problems with hidden guys should test that first...its kinda annoying me.. "
by Citizen Daniel Tibbetts

As most of you know, Im a newbie, I don't know what's wrong and how I could help them. So can anyone help them and me.
Thank you very much
on Nov 02, 2003
Post that message in the comments here:
on Nov 03, 2003
Hi Z06Leonhart

I have test your skin and I have find none of the problems you have mention in your post.
No white background and no problem with the hidden taskbar.

The skin works fine, you have done a very good job
on Nov 04, 2003
Thank you for your reply Nikos, you make my day.