Published on November 29, 2003 By Z06Leonhart In WinCustomize Talk
I have a 40gb hard drive, Ive only use about 2gb when when I select all the folders and check their the size. But then I click on my hd and it show that Ive used over 5 gb already. I really dont know where the 3 gb went. Can someone tell me, and sorry for my poor english(please correct me).
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on Nov 29, 2003
OK....with XP it makes no difference in Pagefile size since it will only use it when no actual memory is available...thus it neither adds nor detracts from your overall system performance. A setting of one and half your memory size is the usual accepted size. Unless your hard drive is thrashing about all the time then you're fine....

If you set it too low and you run out memory and then run out of Virtual Memory...your puter is done.

BTW: 512 is not a lot of memory in an XP machine......

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on Nov 29, 2003
Install 'DriveScan' in SDC, run the app and it will tell you what's where.

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on Nov 29, 2003
Yrag..I have my old laptop on 128 with XP home...Man is it Sloooooow, but it gets the job done...(kinda)

Even the one Im on now only has problems there.
on Nov 29, 2003
Well, if im not mistaken, (could easily be) most Harddrives capacity is lower than what the label says, regardless of which OS you are running/if you run one at all.

My HD shows only 37.2gb for total size and 31.9gb for free space
Thanks Yrag, i will try it
on Nov 29, 2003
Ya, 40GB is what the label says, but you only get 37.2.
on Nov 29, 2003
Whoops... ^^DUH!^^

EventHorizon needs the editpost function....NOW!
on Nov 29, 2003
hey Yrag can you give me the a link to that because I couldnt find it
on Nov 29, 2003
on Nov 29, 2003
Tom: XP will run on 128+. It really depends entirely on how many processes you have running in the background that eats up memory....mine runs at approx 550 MB on a re- boot and then slowly builds as time goes on and more gets loaded to memory. As long as you get a handle on the processes even that Lap will run fine

Billy: I show it in don't?

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on Nov 29, 2003
I see it now thanks yrag
on Nov 29, 2003
on Nov 29, 2003
BTW: 512 is not a lot of memory in an XP machine......

I disagree. If you are running a new P4 with that hyperthreading technolgy and PC 3200 DDR 512 is more than enough....
on Nov 29, 2003
Kona...yes....I'm 'fine' with 2 sticks of 512meg 3200 DDR 400fsb in parallel for an 800fsb MoBo.....and highly unlikely to need any more for a 'little while'...
on Nov 29, 2003
yeah but you have 2 sticks of 512? 1 gig?


I was saying that 512 by itself is enough. I only have 192 and i zip along fine on my P3 733 mhz setup.
on Nov 29, 2003's a four slot eventyally I may add 2 more 1 gig sticks, bringing the total up to 3 gig.....if and when 'bloat-ware' REALLY becomes 'bloat-ware'....
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